Da habe ich leider eine Chance verpasst: Bereits am 10. April hat Youtuber Medley Weaver einen selbstgebastelten Trailer zur Originaltrilogie hochgeladen, in dem Lukes Reise durch die drei Filme dargestellt wird. Das hätte ich super am vierten Mai posten können, immerhin habe ich mir da ja in den letzten Jahren auch immer wieder irgendwas aus den Fingern gesogen.
The original Star Wars trilogy holds a very special place in the hearts of many nerds – not only was it a lot of people’s first exposure to real cool spaceship fights and laser-sword battles, but the drama at the core of the story is epic and Shakespearean in scope. A lot of the beauty of those first three movies lie in the fact that so much is implied and hinted at, but unseen – the flinch in Obi-Wan when he’s asked about how Luke’s father died, the sadness in Vader’s (unmoving) mask as he watches the Emperor prepare to murder his child, and the history that brought all the characters to this point.
via Someone Edited The Original Star Wars Trilogy Into One Amazing Trailer – Dorkly – Dorkly Post.
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