There is a website called 4Chan. We don’t go there. They’re crazy and mean to people but very funny. They make pictures that most people like. However, people who aren’t us go to 4Chan, and they find the best stuff and they post it somewhere else so people can laugh without having to talk to 4Chan users, who are crazy and mean to people.
The usual places this content gets posted first are sites such as SomethingAwful, which is basically 4Chan without the crazy but still mean, and some of the better Tumblr feeds, which are 4chan without the mean but still crazy. But it’s a select bunch at this point.
Then it gets a little more popular and then more of Tumblr sees it and spreads to Soup (aka EuroTumblr), and then it spreads to other niche sites that have scary names and smell like fish sticks. You know the people who go to conventions? Those people. They get to laugh and have a good time. At this point, the joke is already approaching its shelf life for 4Chan, who are busy on some other hilarious dirty deed.
Then it passes to Reddit. Reddit is a website that is like 4Chan without the crazy, mean, or funny. Reddit was once the first place 4Chan jokes were posted, and for a while it was actually pretty cool. Now it is the place where jokes go to be not-laughed at. Kind of how people hang the Mona Lisa in places and people look at it and they don’t laugh at it. That sort of thing. Reddit users think they’re being hip and cool. They’re actually part of a large machine that tabulates the jokes and when they’re not funny any more, that’s when Reddit posts them.
And then the jokes stew in Reddit, taking up large swathes of sub-Reddit communities such as r/gaming, where dead horses are grinder-fed to create a gruel that looks like Grape Nuts. And then they eat the Grape Nut horse gruel for hours, and some of them profess enjoyment. And then they be sexist and get mad when you tell them they’re sexist. Who do you think they are, 4Chan? How dare you. Sometimes, when one of these Redditors gets off of the computer, they find a candy wrapper in their hair.
And then sometimes the extraordinary jokes, which at this point are called memes because they no longer resemble anything that anyone finds funny, are posted on Facebook by people who don’t know any better, which pisses off everybody. And then, after Facebook finally lays its most pathetic users’ senses of humor out on the sand where they have become the most shriveled, pathetic thing resembling human communication, they’re emailed between your mother and her friends.
And then, after all of that, posts the picture and puts a large watermark on it. And then everybody pretends it never happened.
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Das Bild unter dem Artikel… :D
Also ich find’s sehr passend! :D
Ziemlich guter Artikel, auch wenn ich einige Zwischenplattformen nie genutzt habe und nur vom Namen kenne.
Anyway, eine sogenannte „Freundin“ postete gestern folgendes auf facebook, was mir die facepalms mal wieder ins Gesicht trieb. Allein schon, dass es deutschsprachig und mit Trollfaces ist… und auch so scheiße! Nur ein Beispiel von vielen:
Ja. Es geht echt den Bach runter mit dem Internet. Sehr steil sogar. Am schlimmsten finde ich allerdings die gefuehlten 548 Ragecomics pro Tag, die Sachen darstellen die man als Kind (oder wann auch immer) einfach so gemacht hat und dann die Caption „like wer es auch so macht“ tragen und von ebenso vielen Leuten gefeiert werden …
The cancer is strong in this one!
Haha..einfach genial! Muss auch sagen das Bild passt einfach perfekt!