Auf TorrentFreak wurde ein sehr schoener Artikel ueber das „Problem“ der Musikpiraterie gepostet. Wer 5-10 Minuten Zeit hat, sollte sich das auf jeden Fall geben. Steht zwar nichts weltbewegend neues drin, worauf man so oder so kommen wuerde wenn man sich mal Gedanken darueber macht warum Menschen Musik kopieren, aber dennoch ein sehr interessanter Post finde ich.
When you sell something, it’s helpful to know who you are selling to. It’s called your “Target Market.”
You learn to spot who makes you money and who doesn’t. Pretty helpful! You can focus on selling to groups of people who care about what you are making. Or you could adapt what you are selling to be more attractive to certain groups. (Pro tip: If you can’t sell, it doesn’t help anything to blame your customer).
College kids? Not the easiest people to sell albums to at $15 a pop. But hey, they love music. Keep your eyes on them, they’ll come to shows, pass your stuff around, might turn into a customer down the line, etc.
Now take people in their 20s+ with regular jobs and disposable income. We don’t want to spend forever hunting down music. Time is money. We want to click ‘buy’. A lot of us can and do fork up hundreds a year for music. And guess what? College kids move quickly into this category.
Music Piracy Is NOT a Problem, It’s an Excuse | TorrentFreak.
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